中山眼科验光配镜,是中山眼科中心的视光服务和眼健康管理专属部门,依托中山眼科中心高端人才、精湛技术、顶尖设备和国际学术优势,秉持“您的眼睛 · 我们关怀 (Your Eyes We Care)”服务理念,每年专业服务超60万人次,经营项目包括眼健康管理、眼健康宣教、医学验光、眼镜定配(包括OK镜和RGP)、视功能检查、弱视训练、低视力康复、视光技术培训等,同时肩负国家、省、市领导及外国使馆人员的眼保健任务。
Optometry & Optical Dispensing service is an exclusive and unique part of general eye care system providing by Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center (ZOC), Sun Yat-sen University. It receives more than 600,000 customer visits annually, covers a full-scope of professional Optometry service, including primary eye care, special contact lenses, vision therapy, low vision rehabilitation et al. Upholds the idea of “Your Eyes We Care”, the Optometry & Optical Dispensing service dedicate to provide the state-of-art primary eye care for domestic and international visitors, and work closely with the top-notch Ophthalmologist from ZOC for any potential advance treatment in ocular diseases.
总部地址 Address:广东省广州市越秀区先烈南路54号
服务网站 Website:www.eyescare.cn
微信号码 WeChat:ZOCOSC